SYNSHIELD™ Durability Advantage 15W-40
$ 247.80 USD
Regular price $ 247.80 USD Sale
SynShield™ Durability Advantage SAE 15W-40 is a premium advanced performance, synthetic plus, heavy-duty diesel engine oil specially formulated to provide maximum protection against wear, oxidation, deposit formation, soot contamination and aeration. It provides excellent equipment durability and longevity even during harsh, extreme duty operating conditions. SynShield™ Durability Advantage SAE 15W-40 exceeds the requirements for API heavy-duty diesel engine oil Service Categories: CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4, CI-4 Plus and older. The product is particularly suitable for use in emission compliant engines that utilize heavy EGR and exhaust after-treatment devices such as Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) with or without Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). SynShield™ Durability Advantage SAE 15W-40 provides advanced performance in low- emission certified diesel engines that are equipped with EGR, older non-EGR containing diesel engines, and off-highway diesel engines.
• Increased fuel economy
• A low coefficient of friction
• Significantly less bearing, ring, piston, cylinder and valve-train wear
• Increased engine efficiency, durability and life
• Less downtime with reduced maintenance